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Parish Team

Fr Paul Crosbie and Fr John Kennedy Tibaagalika serve as Parish Priest and Curate respectively in the parish of Trim. They are assisted in their work by a wide variety of ministries, including the parish secretary, parochial house and grounds staff, pastoral team, finance committee, baptism team, sacristans, music ministries, stewards and counters, child safeguarding representatives, St Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, numerous parish groups and forms of social outreach. These also include the parish “Meals on Wheels” programme which tends to the needs of people who are housebound, elderly or alone.  The Sisters of Mercy continue to play an active role in parish life, especially in the areas of catechesis and healthcare.

When sending an email to a particular person using the Parish Office email address, please type their name into the subject line.

Fr. Paul Crosbie

Parish Priest


Phone: 046 943 1251

Fr. John Kennedy Tibaagalika



Phone: 046 943 1251

Bernadette Doyle

Sacristan, St. Patrick's, Trim


Phone: 046 943 1251

Rosemary Dowling

Parish Secretary


Phone: 046 943 1251

Catherine Bartley

Parish Pastoral Assembly


Phone: 046 943 1251

Dorothy Cribbin

Sacristan, St. Brigid's, Boardsmill


Phone: 046 943 1251

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